Where to Enjoy The Best Archery Around West Roxbury

close up of an archery board with arrows stuck on several targets | archery west roxbury

If you’re looking to enjoy an afternoon of archery, there are several places around Parkway Apartments where you can test your aim. They welcome all abilities, and some even offer classes to help improve your skills. The best spots for archery near our West Roxbury apartments include:

BayState Archers Training Center 

Welcoming archers of all skill levels, the BayState Archers Training Center offers open hours from Wednesday through Sunday. Practice stops at 8:45 p.m. during the week and 5:45 p.m. on the weekends, though inclement weather may close the targets early. BayState specializes in barebow, compound, and Olympic recurve target archery. If you’d like to learn more about the sport, you can sign up for one of the center’s lessons. Available for beginning and seasoned archers alike, the sessions are limited to 12 participants. 

Ace Archers 

At Ace Archers, you’ll find one of Massachusetts’ premier archery shops, which also offers open shooting lanes. We recommend that you reserve your spot online, though walk-ins are also welcome if space is available. If you’re new to the sport, you can try the Beginner Archery class. It covers proper form and runs for eight weeks. After completing the course, you can advance to the intermediate and tournament sessions. 

Archery Games 

If you’re a fan of friendly competition, you can head over to Archery Games. It combines archery and dodgeball for a unique an exciting experience. The games here are packed full of action and are played with bows and soft foam-tipped arrows. Each session is 75 minutes, and first-timers are welcome. Take your skills to the next level by joining a league. You can create a team with your friends or register as an individual player to join an existing team.

After an afternoon of archery, you can enjoy a few slices of your favorite pizza. If you would like to call Parkway Apartments home, please contact us.  We will happily should you around our apartments in West Roxbury, MA. 

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